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Baton Rouge Chapter of NAREB

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In 1958 six tenacious businessmen united to organize the Baton Rouge Association of Real Estate Brokers as a local chapter of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) in support to carry the mission of "Democracy in Housing."   BRAREB became a charter member at NAREB national convention of that same year.  The founding members were Victor Boudin, George Dewey Hayes, Mack B. Johnson, David Lovely, Voltaire T. Sterling, and Tolor E. White. This organization was formed out of a need to secure the right to equal housing opportunities regardless of race, creed, or color.  Since its inception, we have participated in various important challenges and legislative improvements, opening a pathway to educational certifications that was denied by segregation. This led to securing Property Management and REO opportunities with the Federal Government as well as with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  Working with these organizations have opened the doors for our members to serve on boards for many housing entities such as Louisiana Real Estate Commission, Louisiana Housing Corporation, local Housing Authorities and many more. Today, Realtist stand on the shoulders of those pioneers that made it possible.  Our goal is to bring together the State minority Professionals in the Real Estate Industry to promote the significant exchange of ideas about our clientele. We strive to create an environment where diversity of thought develops in both the workplace and the community.  


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The National Association of Real Estate Brokers, Inc. (NAREB) was founded in Tampa, Florida, in 1947 as an equal opportunity and civil rights advocacy organization for African American real estate professionals, consumers, and communities in America. The purpose of NAREB is to enhance the economic improvement of its members, the community at large, and the minority community which it serves. To unite those engaged in the recognized branches of the real estate industry including brokerage, management, mortgage financing, appraising, land development, home building, and allied fields for the purpose of exerting influence on real estate interests. Although composed principally of African Americans, the REALTIST© organization embraces all qualified real estate practitioners who are committed to achieving our vision, which is “Democracy in Housing”.​

Local Black professional and real estate groups began forming in northern and southern communities in the 1880s. Most became members of the National Business League (NBL), founded by Booker T. Washington in the early 1900s. The NBL became the first advocacy association for Black national business trade organizations. Booker T. Washington was a noted businessman, educator, real estate investor, and advisor to several U. S. Presidents from the 1890s to the 1950s. Two local NAREB boards, founded in the 1920s in Harlem (NYC) and Dearborn (Chicago), represent the oldest, continuously active REALTIST © organizations that came out of the NBL and predate NAREB.


     NAREB has played varying influential roles in the implementation of equal rights, fair housing, equal opportunity, and community development legislation at the local, state, and federal levels since its founding. Some significant policy achievements of NAREB were the first local fair housing legislation in 1962 in New York City, the first state fair housing legislation in 1963 in California, and the first national fair housing legislation in both 1947 and 1968. It was the 193 California legislation that propelled NAREB into national prominence.


     Specifically, after the 1963 Byron Rumford Fair Housing Act became law when signed by then Governor Edmund Gerald “Pat” Brown, Sr., the California Association of Realtors, backed by the National Association of Realtors, launched a successful ballot initiative, calling its results discriminatory and, therefore, against the California constitution. California REALTIST © played the leading role in opposing the ballot initiative and arguing against it in the California Supreme Court. Although African Americans had been granted permission to join realtor organizations in many states, including California, the failed realtor effort exposed the discriminatory culture.

     Other significant REALTIST © involved legislative achievements include the creation of HUD in 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, the FIRREA in 1989, and establishing affordable housing goals for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 1992, as well as the updates to each of these laws and the implementation of many associated new laws, regulations, and presidential orders to the present date. NAREB has a strong social activist history and culture of vigorously supporting equal opportunity and fair treatment in the real estate and community development marketplaces for African Americans. REALTIST © marketplaces, urban and rural, have changed from places to be avoided by non-Blacks to places of choice for most income, age, and ethnic/racial segments of American society, making them some of the most attractive real estate investments, workplaces, and cultural lifestyle areas in America.


    NAREB continues to open doors that otherwise would remain closed to African American professionals and/or consumers. NAREB continuously strives to preserve and enhance its industry and community image with local and national government, business, and consumer interest organizations focusing on real estate and community development issues. We focus our professional practices on serving the needs of the undeserved.


     NAREB is comprised of its affiliate organizations: The National Society of Real Estate Appraisers (1956), Real Estate Brokers Management Institute (1968), The Women’s Council of NAREB (1969), The Mortgage Bankers/Brokers Institute (1968), United Developers Council (1974), Commercial Industrial Division (1985), NAREB Investment Division (1986), Contractors Division (1987), Sales Division (1987), Housing Counselors (1994), the Young REALTIST © Division (1998), and State of Housing in Black America (SHIBA) (2011). NAREB, through its University of Real Estate, founded in 1986, and each affiliate, provides professional training and education for REALTIST © members.

NAREB’s  FiVE Strategic Priorities:

Faith-Based & Civic Engagement

Over 75% of Black Americans surveyed by Pew Research reported that they are affiliated with a religious organization in their respective community. A large percentage of professional Black Americans belong to a civic or professional organization. Therefore, NAREB’s relationship with Faith-based and civic Institutions allows the association to target Black American consumers nationwide to: (1) Educate our audience about homeownership, and (2) Inspire them to purchase real estate. NAREB’s Strategic and MOU Relationships will be nurtured under this pillar.

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Multi-Generational Wealth Building

 NAREB understands that wealth building concepts, plans, and execution should be addressed on a multi-generational basis. In that regard, NAREB has developed age and life-style specific initiatives to reach and inform audiences about wealth building and homeownership. NAREB initiatives include: (1) the NAREB Youth Leadership Academy, (2) the NAREB Millennial Movement – focused on Gen Z and Millennial consumers, and (3) Efforts to inform senior citizens on key elements to prepare for and keep legacy wealth.

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Women Initiatives – Women Investing in Real Estate (W.I.R.E.)

NAREB has identified Black women as a high-potential target market group of consumers to reach and penetrate to focus their attention on spending power on investing in real estate, pursuing home ownership, and growing existing practitioners’ careers in real estate. W.I.R.E. will focus on the development of effective educational tools and techniques for Black women consumers as well as for Black women real estate professionals. Specifically, the goals of the initiative are to: Increase access to financial information and capital for Black women; Increase home ownership and real estate investment for Black women as well as the development of affordable housing for and by Black women.

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Government Relations / Advocacy

Over the course of NAREB’s rich history, barriers to homeownership have been identified, addressed, and eliminated based upon the association’s commitment to advocacy on behalf of equality and opportunity in our profession and for Black Americans seeking homeownership of their choice. NAREB will always use its powerful voice in support of support legislation or regulatory change designed to increase Black homeownership. Through our State of Housing in Black America (SHIBA) report and our monthly SHIBA Bytes, NAREB will continue to educate, inform, and share with our members, elected and appointed officials, our community and its organizations on the homeownership needs of Black Americans and its importance to build wealth as well as strengthening communities.

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Diversity & Inclusion / Small Business

The majority of NAREB members are small businesses that qualify for most diversity and inclusion initiatives. We will focus our attention on educating and informing NAREB members about the income generation possibilities available through minority certifications and minority procurement opportunities. This initiative will also focus on strengthening leadership skills, business development, and mentorship. As important, NAREB will reach back into our communities to serve on local board and commissions to add our expertise as it relates to housing needs in our communities as well as inspire the next generation of real estate entrepreneurs through participation in career days on college and high school campuses.

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